A Home for Many — Additional Resources
Other Resources
A free app for Apple and Android devices, AllTrails helps users access trail maps to national parks or a hiking path near home, or to map a new trail of their own.
A free app for Apple or Android device, Easychart is a good tool for easily creating bar, line, and pie charts. The app also works without an Internet connection.
iNaturalist offers a great place to record and map observations of plants and animals. Each place page displays all the species that have been recorded for a given place, including information about their abundance, conservation status, and who was first to observe that species in that place on iNaturalist.org. You can also create a group page, for your school, for example.
Leafsnap is a free app for iPhone and iPad (Andriod version in development) that uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from individual leaf photographs you take in the field. Leafsnap is currently geared just for Northeastern United States species, but expansion to include all U.S. regions is underway.
Ordinary Extraordinary Junco
Video shorts from The Junco Project introduce one of North America’s most common groups of songbirds. Juncos can be readily observed in backyards, city parks, and forests alike, and also are interesting in terms of their animal behavior, ecology, and evolutionary biology.
Paper Plate Habitat
Florida PLT has created a Paper Plate Habitat template to be used in conjunction with the exploration of microhabitats. This document contains a list of materials, instructions, and images necessary for students to create their own habitats and to begin exploring the life and interrelationships found within.
Project Noah
Use the Project Noah online photo album for sharing wildlife pictures and documenting wildlife observations.
Schoolyard Habitat Guide
The Schoolyard Habitat Project Guide provides the basic steps needed to restore or create wildlife habitat on school grounds, incorproating critical thinking and decision-making skills while challenging students in reading, writing, science, mathematics, and language arts. Additionally, schools and organizations serving K-12 students may apply for grants of up to $8,000.
WildLab Bird
The Wildlab Bird is a free app for Apple devices (try iBird Lite for Android) to learn the basics of bird identification. This application uses audio, photographs, maps, and the process of elimination to help identify over 200 bird species. Sightings can also be entered into a national bird watching database for comparison.