The following vocabulary terms are also identified within the Overview pages for the activities, which also include links to vocabulary-focused student pages. Note that these definitions are geared for Grades 3–5 students, while the definitions that “pop up” within the activity text online are geared for the teacher.
Activity | Term | Definition* |
1 | Adapted | Suited to certain conditions in the environment. |
1 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
1 | Environment | Everything around an organism that affects it. |
1 | Field | An area of open land without trees or buildings. |
1 | Forest | A thick growth of trees covering a large area of land. |
1 | Fungi | An organism that gets nutrients by absorbing materials from its surroundings. Fungi are important decomposers. |
1 | Habitat | An area that provides an organism with enough food, water, shelter, and space to live. |
1 | Leaf litter | Leaves and other dead plant matter that has fallen to the ground. |
1 | Mammal | A warm-blooded animal that has fur or hair and produces milk for its young. |
1 | Microhabitat | A small habitat where very small organisms live. |
1 | Nutrient | A substance needed for health and growth. |
1 | Organism | Any living thing. |
1 | Species | A group of organisms that share the same characteristics and can have offspring. |
Activity | Term | Definition* |
2 | Bacteria | Microscopic, one-celled organisms. |
2 | Decomposer | An organism that eats dead material and causes it to break down. |
2 | Decomposition | The process of breaking down dead material into smaller parts. |
2 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
2 | Fungi |
An organism that gets nutrients by absorbing materials from its surroundings. Fungi are important decomposers.
2 | Habitat | An area that provides an organism with enough food, water, shelter, and space to live. |
2 | Nutrient | A substance needed for health and growth. |
2 | Snag | A standing dead tree that has lost most of its branches. |
2 | Species |
A group of organisms that share the same characteristics and can have offspring.
Activity | Term | Definition* |
3 | Carnivore | An animal that eats other animals. |
3 | Decomposer | An organism that eats dead material and causes it to break down. |
3 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
3 | Food chain | The order in which animals feed on plants or on other animals and are, in turn, consumed. |
3 | Food energy | Energy that organisms get from food in order to live and grow. |
3 | Food web | All of the connected food chains in an ecosystem. |
3 | Herbivore | An animal that eats plants. |
3 | Photosynthesis | The process by which green plants make food from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. |
Activity | Term | Definition* |
4 | Aquatic | Living or growing in water. |
4 | Carbohydrates | Substances made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen that are found in foods such as bread and cereal. |
4 | Carbon dioxide | A gas that is made up of carbon and oxygen. Animals exhale this gas, and plants use it to make food. |
4 | Chlorophyll | The green substance in plants that captures sunlight to make food out of water and carbon dioxide. |
4 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
4 | Food energy | Energy that organisms get from food in order to live and grow. |
4 | Habitat | An area that provides an organism with enough food, water, shelter, and space to live. |
4 | Nutrient | A substance needed for health and growth. |
4 | Photosynthesis | The process by which green plants make food from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. |
4 | Reproduce | To produce offspring or young. |
4 | Stomata | Tiny openings on a leaf’s surface through which gases pass. |
Activity | Term | Definition* |
5 | Carbon dioxide | A gas that is made up of carbon and oxygen. Animals exhale this gas, and plants use it to make food. |
5 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
5 | Growth ring | A layer of wood formed in a tree or other plant during a growth period. |
5 | Nutrient | A substance needed for health and growth. |
5 | Reproduce | To produce offspring or young. |
5 | Species | A group of organisms that share the same characteristics and can have offspring. |
Activity | Term | Definition* |
6 | Adaptation | A structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment. |
6 | Adapted | Suited to certain conditions in the environment. |
6 | Ecosystem | A community of living things interacting with their environment. |
6 | Habitat | An area that provides an organism with enough food, water, shelter, and space to live. |
6 | Invasive species | A species that causes harm when it moves to a new area or habitat. |
6 | Native species | A species that occurs naturally in an area or habitat. |
6 | Non-native species | A species living in an area or habitat where it does not naturally live or grow. |
6 | Outcompete | Do better than another species in getting food, space, light, or another resource. |
6 | Species | A group of organisms that share the same characteristics and can have offspring. |
*Definitions adapted from Delta Science Dictionary, Grades 3–5. Delta Education. 2003.