Below are examples of the colors that will be used to highlight standards items in the body of a piece of content. Hover on the top one, NGSS, and you’ll see examples of the four NCSS Dimensions colors.
We like Radiant energy in the winter. And we clean the kitchen sink.
Body Text Examples
Hedgehog Concept
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the NGSS category.
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the CCSS category.
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the C3 category.
This is an example of the body text color for any Glossary item.
Tooltip Text Color Examples
Below are samples of text colors that can be highlighted with special short codes so they display consistent colors within the standards tooltip popup box.
NGSS Practices
NGSS Croscutting
NGSS Core Ideas
NGSS Performance (PE)
Hedgehog Concept
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the NGSS category.
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the CCSS category.
This is an example of the body text color for any standards item highlighted with the C3 category.